
photo: Oumou Traoré

photo: Oumou Traoré

Adwoa Owusuaa Bobie

Adwoa Owusuaa Bobie

Adwoa Owusuaa Bobie is a doctoral candidate at the University of Basel, Switzerland, studying Sociology and African studies. Her studies are funded by the Fondation Oumou Dilly and her project topic is “The Contribution of Middle-class to the Development of Fashion in Lagos” more

Aïdas Sanogo


Aïdas Sanogo is currently enrolled as a PhD candidate at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Basel. The project she is working on, “Corruption, conflict and cities in West and East Africa” is led by Prof. Till Förster and funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, The Oumou Dilly Foundation and the Forschungsfonds of the University of Basel. more

Albert Kazaura Tibaijuka

Albert Kazaura Tibaijuka

Albert Kazaura Tibaijuka joined the Centre for African Studies at the University of Basel in Switzerland on a ten-months’ Oumou Dilly postdoc fellowship (February – November, 2023). He is a lecturer in communication studies and chairs the Postgraduate Studies Directorate at St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT). He is also a co-ordinating editor of African Communication Research Journal. more

Amal Adel Abdrabo

Amal Adel Abdrabo

Dr. Amal Adel Abdrabo, is an urban sociologist and visual anthropologist who works as an assistant professor at Alexandria University, Egypt. Currently, she holds a position at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar for 9 months (January-September 2023). more

Antoinette Danebaï Lamana

Antoinette Danebaï Lamana

Antoinette Danebaï Lamana is a PhD candidate in a joint program between the University of Douala and the University of Lille. As an assistant at the University of Douala, she supervises students in the Department of Sociology; at the University of Lille, she is a Guest Lecturer in the Master’s programs IDEVAH (Development Engineering and Humanitarian Action) and GAED (Geography, Planning, Environment, and Development).

Calvin Minfegue

Calvin Minfegue

Calvin Minfegue is a doctoral candidate at the Catholic University of Central Africa (Cameroon) – political sociology – and at the University of Grenoble-Alpes (France) – political geography – (2016-2019). His research focuses on a critical examination of the links between territoriality and conflict in border situations from fields of central Africa (border between Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea,

Charles Nomwendé Tiendrebéogo

Charles Nomwendé Tiendrebéogo

Charles Nomwendé Tiendrebéogo est un artiste, titulaire d’une maîtrise en « Master of Art in Theater », spécialisation en Physical Theater à l’Accademia Teatro Dimitri en Suisse Italienne. Il a axé son travail sur le thème suivant : « Recherche sur l’utilisation théâtrale du masque africain » dont l’exposé théorique final a eu lieu en Juin 2017 suivit de la pratique à travers un spectacle solo intitulé « Mea Culpa » en Juin 2018. more

Cybelline de Souza

Cybelline de Souza

Cybelline de Souza est diplômée de l’École Internationale de Théâtre du Bénin en 2014 avec une licence en „Art et Technique Théâtrale“. Elle est membre fondateur de la compagnie „Théâtre au Compteur“, créée en 2015. Depuis cette même année, Cybelline de Souza se produit sur les scènes nationales et internationales dans le cadre de rencontres et de festivals.

Emma Asige Liaga

Emma Asige Liaga

Emmaculate Asige Liaga is a Doctoral Candidate at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa (2017-2019).
Her research seeks to investigate the strategies of peacebuilding in South Sudan. The research situates itself within the ‘local turn approach’ debates, more

Fousseyni Touré

Fousseyni Touré

Fousseyni Touré, est titulaire d’un doctorat en anthropologie de l’Institut de Pédagogie Universitaire de Bamako, Mali. Il est enseignant vacataire à la Faculté des Sciences Humaines et de l’Éducation de l’Université des Lettres et Sciences Humaines de Bamako.
Fousseyni Touré s’intéresse à la problématique et aux enjeux de la religion musulmane, aux questions de gouvernance de la religiosité et aux relations entre l’islam et la politique au Mali.

Joël Djaha

Joël Djaha

Joël Djaha is a PhD student in sociology at the Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire). He is conducting research on fake news and polemics about the Covid-19 pandemic in the public virtual space of Facebook in Côte d’Ivoire. His PhD thesis examines the reception of the three-step government action in Facebook virtual spaces in different socio-political contexts. more

Lerato Posholi

Lerato Posholi

Ms Lerato Posholi is a PhD candidate at the Centre for Researching Education and Labour (REAL Centre), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. She holds an MA in Philosophy from the University of the Witwatersrand. Her current research interests are in curriculum studies, philosophy of education, and epistemology.

Mamadou Soma

Mamadou Soma

Mamadou Soma est un artiste/comédien/danseur originaire du Burkina Faso. Née à Banfora à l’ouest du pays, il a eu son premier contact avec le théâtre en 2012, avant de rejoindre l’École Supérieure de Théâtre Jean Pierre Guingané à Ouagadougou, où il a obtenu son premier diplôme. À sa sortie de l’école, il participe à de nombreux spectacles de théâtre et de danse avec différents metteurs en scène.

Nestor Zante


Nestor Zante est titulaire de deux Masters. Le premier, obtenu à l’université de Ouagadougou, s’intitule « De la maternité subie à la maternité voulue, femme et procréation en milieu rural moaga ». Cette recherche a exploré l’impact du contrôle social sur les logiques de procréation dans ladite communauté. more

Peter Ayoola Oderinde

Peter Ayoola Oderinde

After completing his PhD programme at the Centre for African Studies at the University of Basel in Switzerland, Peter Ayoola Oderinde is currently a full-time lecturer at the Department of Religious and Intercultural Studies at Lead City University in Ibadan, Nigeria. He also chaired the host committee for the first international conference of the Faculty of Humanities at Lead City University. more

Reisch Vanel Attipo

Reisch Vanel Attipo

Reisch Vanel Attipo is from Congo-Brazzaville and holds a degree in urban management from the Ecole Africaine des Métiers de l’Architecture et de l’Urbanisme (EAMAU) in Lomé, Togo. He has extensive experience in systemic analysis of the sustainability of development policies, strategies, plans, programmes and projects at the Université de Québec à Chicoutimi. more

Souley Issoufou Mamane Sani

Souley Issoufou Mamne Sani

Souley Issoufou Mamane Sani est un doctorant Nigérien en anthropologie en cotutelle à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENSL) et l’Université Abdou Momouni de Niamey (UAM). Sa thèse porte sur un essai clinique randomisé conduit par Epicentre, un centre de recherche épidémiologique crée en 1987 par l’organisation humanitaire Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) more

Tina Goin Lou Virginie Tra

Tina Goin Lou Virginie Tra

Tina Goin Lou Virginie Tra is currently sociologist at Wild Chimpanze Foundation (WCF) in Guinea and associate researcher at Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques in Côte d’Ivoire. She graduated of the University of Basel in Switzerland in 2018 in Social Anthropology. Her Phd thesis entitled „Si nos boeufs pouvaient voler. more

Valentin Bognan Koné

Valentin Bognan Koné

Valentin Bognan Koné is a PhD candidate in Sociology of Health at University Felix Houphouët Boigny in Abidjan; an associated researcher at Centre Suisse de Recherches Scientifiques en Côte d’Ivoire; a member in the Group of Technology, Nutrition and Quality of Food. more

Victoria Osei-Bonsu

Victoria Osei-Bonsu

I am an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of English of the University of Ghana, Legon, where I teach courses in English Literature. My areas of research interest include Comparative Literature, Postcolonial Literature, Cultural Studies, and Gender Studies. more