Antoinette Danebaï Lamana
Antoinette Danebaï Lamana is a PhD candidate in a joint program between the University of Douala and the University of Lille. As an assistant at the University of Douala, she supervises students in the Department of Sociology; at the University of Lille, she is a Guest Lecturer in the Master’s programs IDEVAH (Development Engineering and Humanitarian Action) and GAED (Geography, Planning, Environment, and Development).
Antoinette Lamana’s research focuses on the determinants of confrontations in rural areas and forms of agency. She studied Sociology at the University of Ngaoundéré, earning her Bachelor of Arts and two Master’s degrees in Sociology and History, then trained at the ENS (Ecole Normale Superieure de Yaoundé) as a philosophy school teacher in high schools. She also served as a coordinator of co-curricular activities in secondary schools in Cameroon.
Her fieldwork in rural areas on peasant trajectories and the dynamics of social cadets led her to work on many projects in the Far North of Cameroon. In terms of research, she participated in numerous scientific events, including the joint CODESRIA/CASB Summer School, which allowed her to benefit from the Oumou Dilly Foundation-funded academic sojourn as a visiting PhD student at the Center for African Studies Basel (CASB).